Heritage Train Project

A rake of vintage carriages for the WHR


Russell in the platform headshunt,
Porthmadog station. 1999.

A vision for the future...

[The WHR Ltd C&W team] The year is 2009... and you're sampling the first class luxury of a vintage carriage as the magnificent Snowdonia scenery unfolds around you.

The Welsh Highland Railway will be one of the world's greatest railway journeys, and we aim to re-create the spirit of the 1920s with a train of authentic carriages.

Some of these are already in service, but need further restoration work to return them to their former glory.

We need your help to make our vision a reality...

Please print out and fill in the forms today and return to:

Heritage Train Restoration Fund,
Welsh Highland Railway Limited,
Tremadog Road,
LL49 9HP

Donation Form

I wish to make (please tick)

    A single donation of   £20   £50   £100    other £ .

    Regular payments - please complete the Standing Order form below = £ .

I enclose payment by cheque / money order / CAF external link voucher

I wish to pay by credit / debit card - Please charge £ .

card number . / . / . / .    expiry . / .

Signed:.  Date: .

Please fill in the form today and return to:

Heritage Train Fund,
Welsh Highland Railway Limited,
Tremadog Road,
LL49 9HP

See below for Gift Aid Declaration

Russell Restoration Fund Standing Order

To make monthly donations by standing order, please print out and complete the form below, using Block Capitals. All the details of your bank account can be found on your cheques. Please return the form to WHR for recording and we will send it to your Bank/Building Society.

To:. Bank plc/Building Society
.   Post code: .
Please pay National Girobank GIR 0AA (Code 72-00-06) to the credit of WELSH HIGHLAND RAILWAY LTD Account no. 94-604-704
Quoting ref . (to be inserted by WHR)
the sum of £ .  .   . p
(in words   .   pounds   .   pence)
NOW and at monthly intervals until cancelled in writing by me.
Signed:.Date: .
.   Post code: .
Account No:.Sort code: .
Membership number (if applicable):  .

Please fill in the form today and return to:

Russell Restoration Fund,
Welsh Highland Railway Limited,
Tremadog Road,
LL49 9HP

Tax Benefits from your Gifts

Under new rules from 6 April 2000 any gift can qualify for a tax repayment of 28p for every pound to the Company, if you are a UK taxpayer. There is no need to sign a deed of covenant for regular payments, and there is now no minimum for one-off payments. All you need to do is complete the simple declaration below. You should only do this if you are sure you will pay enough income tax in the year to cover the tax repayments. Higher rate taxpayers can continue to claim higher rate tax relief on their tax returns.

Examples:Your donation£10£20£50£100£250
Tax refund£2.80£5.60£14£28£70
Total value£12.80£25.60£64£128£320

To: Welsh Highland Railway Ltd (registered charity no. 1039817)

I want you to treat all donations I have made since 6 April 2000, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid donations.

Signed:.Date: .
.   Post code: .
Account No:.Sort code: .
Membership number (if applicable):  .

Please fill in the form today and return to:

Heritage Train Fund,
Welsh Highland Railway Limited,
Tremadog Road,
LL49 9HP

Give As You Earn

For the next three years the UK government will add 10% to all donations through the Give As You Earn payroll deduction scheme. Under this scheme you can make a donation out of pre-tax income and basic rate tax relief is given through the PAYE system. Please ask if your employer operates a scheme.

Example: you donate £12.80 per month and your net pay reduces by £10 per month. The total donations to charity will be £12.80 + 10% = £14.08 (less any administration charges).

Data Protection & Your Privacy

We will keep a record of your name and address and donation(s) on a computer. Data so held will not be released to third parties, but we may contact you from time to time regarding the progress of this appeal.

If you do not wish to be so informed please tick this box:     


Please do remember we are all volunteers and we would always welcome new members. Should you wish to join us please use the membership form .