Fun Whatever The Weather
Fun Whatever The Weather
The dragons will be loose again - they don't worry if it's raining.
Come and join the fun!
Games and activities - Face painting - Treasure hunt.
All day family fun for just £18.50 (2 adult + 2 children)
24th & 25th August
Download leaflet
24th & 25th August: children's activity weekend. The dragons will be loose again - they don't worry if it's raining. Come and join the fun! Games and activities, face painting, treasure hunt.
Railway Enthusiasts
Dream Trains - BBC Video from 1975
Rolling Stock
Steam Locomotives
Baldwin '794'
Moel Tryfan & Snowdon Ranger
Baldwin '590'
Lady Madcap
Diesel Locomotives
No. 1 'Glaslyn'
No. 2 'Kinnerley'
No. 3 R&H 48DL
Simplex No. 4
No. 5 Hunslet 40HP
No. 6 Katherine
Barclay 'Taxi' Diesels
Emma and Kathy
Motorail Simplex 20hp
No. 10 R & H 48DLG
No. 11 Hunslet 50HP
No. 36 'Cnicht'
No. 69 LYd2 'Eryri'
No. 7 Weighitin
No. 9 Jonathan
R & H 44/48
Coach No. 2
Coach No. 6
Coach No. 7
Coach No. 8
Coach No. 42
Coach No. 10
Wagons & Vans
History & Heritage
WHR History
1: The Forerunners
2: The Welsh Highland Railway
3: The Route Described
A Memory
Historical Milestones
The WHR At War
The Welsh Highland Railway Heritage Group
Access To The Railway
Who's who?
Russell rebuild
Baldwin '590' rebuild
We Need YOU!