All Locos Great and Small
The 4th & 5th of May sees the WHHR’s large and varied collection of motive power roar into life for a weekend of ‘anything goes’.
From the diminutive locos saved from the ‘Abbey Light Railway’ through to the huge 350hp 21ton LYd2 will all see some action on the mainline hauling a variety of Freight and Passenger trains, but don’t worry there will be steam locos in action too. Travel in the first class section of our superbly restored buffet car for no extra cost, or enjoy the delights of our replica North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway train.
Our award-winning museum will be filled with model railways of varying sizes and gauges alongside all the usual exhibits. Once purchased your ticket entitles you to unlimited travel all day on what is sure to be our most intensive train service to date. With departures every 20 minutes there will always be something going on. So come and ride the trains or just sit and watch the world go by from the comfort of our delightful tearoom.
[url][/url] Tel. 01766 513402
More details to follow…