Situations Vacant

Here's the situations vacant.
Remuneration is as usual on the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway
- the satisfaction of doing a good job.

Please contact usif you'd like to apply.

URGENT:Roster Assistant - We urgently need someone to help keep the trains running by making sure that we have a crew organised. You'll work with the Roster Clerk (Victoria Towers) and the Operations Manager (Martyn Owen) to make sure the slots are filled. This job does involve making lots of phone calls, but the railway is willing to cover the costs if needed.

URGENT:Shedmasters - We're looking for people to help out in the museum when trains are running, making sure that people are safe, answering questions and keeping the place tidy. You don't have to be an expert on the history of the railway, or any of the objects - full training is provided!

Catalogue Assistant - We're currently in the middle of doing a detailed list of the stuff we have on site, from steam engines to old photographs, from wagons to old tickets. The man in charge of the catalogue - David Hyde - can't get to Porthmadog very often, and needs someone to help him on site. You'll need to make occasional trips round site with a notepad and paper, checking we do in fact have what we think we have .... you may also be asked to help label things with catalogue numbers.

Commercial Department Volunteers - We're looking for people to help promote the railway over the internet (can be done from home) and also to help keep the website up to date (can also be done from home). Let us know if you think you can help.

Health & Safety Volunteers - We urgently need people to help with the ever increasing Health & Safety workload. This could include writing method statements and risk assessments, and doing various checks on site. The work is vital to keeping the railway running: can you help?

Baldwin Fund Manager - We restarted fund-raising for our Baldwin locomotive at the May Gala, with engineering work planned to start soon after. We need someone to run a fund raising appeal as soon as possible. You'll be off to a good start- we have sufficient funds for the new boiler, with a little left over to start on the chasis. We've also been promised extra money to start the rebuild. The existing Russell Fund Manager will be happy to give his advice and encouragement. You'll be designing leaflets and other promotions, developing innovative fund-raising ideas, ensuring that donors are acknowledged and keeping everyone up to date on progress.
